Best Tricks For Customer-relationship On Social Media CRM

Customer-relationship On Social Media CRM

There are a lot of changes the world is seeing in technology. Most of the customer’s expectation is rising day by day. They are expecting the best service from the business owners. In this situation interacting with the customers on social media helps to identify the requirements of customers.

Social CRM helps to interact with the customers but the traditional CRM where the deal with the only date but the social CRM deal with real-time conversions and relationship.

Here some of the best tricks to build best Customer-relationship on social media are

Some key actions:

Responding to feedback:

Many of the customer people will submit their feedback, comments, questions on social media to get some quick response from the company but many companies won’t reply to their negative feedback. They fear of backlash from the customers with some ugly comments. This action should be avoided you must reply for every single comment. This issue has to be highlighted and the representatives should take ownership to appease the angry customers.

Personal and Quick:

Companies must be very quick and personal in responding to all the comments. The quick reply will get some good impact on the minds of customers. Messages also are personalized as the same reply like “sorry for the inconvenience” message will work for present scenario. Each and every message should be personalized this shows the empathizing with customer pain. The best response like “I can understand you feel” or “That must upset you” helps to connect with all customers emotionally and you can win their trust easily.

First Priority to negative comments:

First, you need to give priority to negative comments on social media. Many companies will be deleting the negative comments its not a good way to behave to our customers. The companies also reply to negative comments should be beyond the expectations of an angry customer and makes them happy with good service. These customers may become loyal customers if you treated with good service and support. These activities will increase the value of the company.

Be “there” where your customers “are”:

You must understand the specific social presence of your customers. Each and every customer are different someone responds in twitter while other customer responds through Facebook, Instagram, and mail. Active in every social media platform helps to connect with right customers.

Messaging to the customer:

According to a recent survey by experts, there is more increase in private messaging and social media chat. These social chat helps to interact with the customers freely and professionally to address the customer issues. These social media message through the facebook and twitter helps both the company and customers comfortable to engage in conversion.


There are many ways to interact with customers but two-way communication on social media helps in customer satisfaction and that retain our old customers and add new customers to our company.