Facebook Automated Ads Help Small Businesses Meet Facebook Advertising Goals

Facebook Automated Ads Help Small Businesses Meet facebook Advertising Goals

Facebook Automated Ads Help Small Businesses Meet facebook Advertising Goals

Last week Facebook announced new plans to help all small businesses to meet their goals on Facebook and Instagram. They understood all the small business people have lack of time and resources to advertise on social media to overcome that difficult they have created the tool to make easy for all customers they named the tool: Facebook Automated Ads.

“We know small business owners are strapped for time, which is why we’re committed to building tools that save you time and enable you to focus on the parts of your business you love. Today, we’re making it easier for you to manage and promote your business across our platforms through tools such as Automated Ads, appointments and new video editing tools.” -Facebook Business

So how Automated facebook ads work? It’s really simple.

What to do:
Go to your Facebook Business Manager profile and answer a few questions about your business and your marketing goals.
What Facebook Automated facebook answers:
Facebook develops a customized marketing plan for your business to reach your goals.
You don’t want to give your full control to facebook if you are not interested just a few things like ad copy, URL for your CTA and some other targeting criteria but you want to fill some general simple information and click next Facebook will do rest.

They provide you with some options to choose :
• Multiple versions of your ad that will be A/B tested by Facebook once the campaign is active
• Tailored audience targeting suggestions
• A recommended budget based on your goals
• Regular notifications about your ad’s performance along with suggestions on how you can improve them

If your budget was very strict budget, Facebook gives you the option to suggest a budget and will, you must share the estimated ROI that you can expect from your ads.

So if you are doing a small business and currently not running Facebook or Instagram ads, you have no more excuses to not try it out. Go run some ads and reach more customers for your business.