How to build the Website for Voice Search

Voice Search

We live in a modern society. people want their results in a fraction of seconds that is modern technology providing all over the world. Most of them using voice search instead of typing in the keypad. This is the rise of voice search technology. Most of the surveys told that most business use voice searches. This article will be useful to build the website for voice search for upcoming years.

What is Voice Assistance?

Ask a doubt with friends it is the easiest way to obtain the information. If your friend is a professional expert, you can easily get some best information. This service exactly the voice assistant provides us.

Eg: The best voice assistance is 1.Google Assistant.2. Cortana of Windows 3.Siri of Apple 4.Amazon’s Alexa.

A voice assistant is a software that works like human and we can call as Artificial Intelligence assistant. Voice assistant learns to understand your voice and turns that into text searches on search engine screen.

What Percent of Searches is Voice?

Many of the surveys reveal that about 65% of all searches done on mobile. According to the Google CEO Sundar Pichai, 25% of those searches are from voice assistant. That means one-fourth of mobile users uses voice assistant on mobile devices. From the upcoming years more than half of the searches done by voice search. There are many reasons for voice search growth.

1. It very easy to voice search for any information than to type a query on Google search.

2. It provides quick results

3. we can be used anytime and anywhere

SEO Voice research:

Search Engine Optimization is the process which ensures that a website ranks high in search results on the internet. This is a key aspect of digital marketing. All these while organizations were concerned about SEO as it related to text search.

How to Optimize for Voice Search.

Let us consider some voice search optimization strategies to help ensure that your website is ready for the future.

Decrease loading time in the website:

While web pages on a browser could load perhaps comparatively slower, voice search requires that pages load fast so that it can pick up the answer to the question raised.

It has been found that web pages that load in about 4 seconds or less, and are mobile friendly work better with voice search.

Have an FAQ page:

A Frequently Asked Questions page helps ensure that your website has a better SEO in voice search.

Voice search generally is conversational and uses the question format. An FAQ page format with questions and answers lends itself to voice search and Google can read out the answer easily.

Most often the questions would be very specific and an FAQ page can be effectively used to provide clear answers to those questions.

Use good&best answer snippets:

Ensuring that the answer snippets are of the highest quality will ensure good SEO in voice search.

A good answer snippet should be brief and to the point, answering questions in less than 35 words.

It should use simple words that are easy to pronounce.

It should be clear enough so that it can be easily understood without any visuals and it should not use any tough or unfamiliar words.

To say that voice search is going to be the future. It is here and is growing huge in upcoming years. There is only one option available: optimize a website for voice search and stay ahead of the game.