What is off page optimization?

Off page is the technique that we will do to develop the rankings in the search engine results page(SERP) OFF page SEO refers to activities you can perform outside your website to promote your website. Some of the important off page optimizations are

  • Social Bookmarking 
  • Forum marketing
  • Article Submission
  • Blog Commenting
Social Bookmarking:    

Your site is manually bookmarked on more than 250 social bookmarking sites to generate traffic and stronger visibility. Submission to social bookmarking sites will make your site highly visible and marketed to the appropriate audience. Manual submission eliminates the inconvenience and difficulties associated with site marketing and getting a substantial visibility and presence. Major social bookmarking submission is a powerful in link building, traffic generation, and site ranking.

Forum marketing:

This is a great way to generate a large number of links – thus, boosting your own search engine. The web is packed with content-rich forum posts where your website’s links can be posted. The backlinks generated by forum posts are valuable because this means an increase in the traffic to your site. In forum posts, there is a wide array of topics where members discuss and share information, and the links to the posts – as well.

Article Submission:

Article marketing is another SEO process that is fast gaining popularity as online marketers begin to understand the immeasurable limit to which an article can travel, and the amount of traffic it can generate for a particular website.

Blog Commenting:

This is the best and cost-effective search engine friendly content for the website. Traffic increase of your site can be attributed to Blog commenting and review. This is a marketing strategy aimed at generating a substantial direction of traffic to your site. Blog readership has made such a remarkable following among users.